Friday, June 27, 2008


#1 The smell of cookies baking may be the best in the world.

I made peanut butter cookies with chocolate chunks and mini peanut butter cups tonight. (Don't be impressed, they're the refrigerated kind you buy. My sister would be ashamed.) The smell of them cooking was just awesome.

#2 One of my favorite things to do is watch movies.

In fact, I, Auntie Roo may be a movie-whore. I have a pretty extensive DVD collection. And yes, in fact, I do own a VHS of "From Justin to Kelly." If you don't know what that is, shame on you. (I also own the Britney Spears classic "Crossroads"...this was before the lost her mind.)

My friend and I watched Mad Money tonight. It has Diane Keaton, Queen Latifah, and Katie Holmes in it. Pretty much an unexplainable trio. It's a cute movie. Not my fave, but a cute movie.


Jessie Weaver said...

I watched Mad Money on the aiplane ride back from Colorado. It was cute! You do have more movies than anyone else I know. I found a great VHS for you the other day at Goodwill. Do you still have a VHS player?

Speaking of movies on planes...I watched Crossroads on the way to China. LOL. It was a LONG ride.

Auntie Roo said...

I do still have a VHS player! Auntie Roo is so retro. :-)