Friday, August 22, 2008

Blessed beyond Belief!

I try not to be overly serious on here...but prepare yourself for a sappy-fest!

I am so blessed!

1. I have a wonderful family- a sister who loves me and is also about to bring another member of my family into the world!, a sweet brother-in-law who adores my sister, a mom and dad who tolerate me still living with them at the age of 23 and take me on amazing vacations to Cancun.

2. The absolute best friends anyone could ask for. (yes, my friends are better than yours.) Not only do I have amazing girl friends here ranging in age from their 20's to their 60's, I also have friends in Virginia (and other scattered places) from college. My friends forgive me when I don't answer my cell phone because I left it on silent. I even have friends who still love me and send me texts that say "you are amazing" when I haven't spoken to him in months.

3. I have a God who thinks I am beautiful and sent His son, his only Son, to die for me. This should have been first on the list. Forgive me, it's after midnight.

4. I have the opportunity to continue my education so I can pursue my passion of teaching children. So many people don't get to do what they are passionate about as a career, and I look forward to it!

5. Did I mention that I am crazy about my family and friends and feel so blessed to have them in my life? Just checking... :)

6. I am the proud sponsor (through Compassion International) of a beautiful little Ecuadorian girl who will be 6 in October. I feel so blessed that I am financially able to share with this little girl who her mom describes as a good, obedient, and peaceful child.

So, reader, what are you thankful for?

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