Saturday, January 10, 2009


Just reflecting on my 24th birthday yesterday--I realize again how blessed I am. I celebrated with friends at lunch, at dinner, at small group...and all the while, I had postings pouring onto my wall on Facebook with well wishes from friends and acquaintances. In my 24 years, I think I'm realizing that it just continues to get better. When I think I may be blessed (and am!) with friends and places, etc., I move on to a new place, and build a new life and with even more friends--it happened when I went to college, and then again when I moved to Philadelphia a few years ago. Not only do I have friendships from the 15 years I lived in Virginia, but I have friendships from the four years at college, and now from my 2 years here. I am so blessed that, no matter the distance, some friendships still sustain--and those are the ones that are worth it the most.

I am so thankful for everything God has given to me in the past year. If you had asked me if I were happy on my last birthday, I probably would have answered with an honest no. Since then, I have fallen into my place here in PA and have more that I could EVER have asked for or imagined (Ephesians 3:20!). All I had to do was follow the Lord's leading. So, if you get even the smallest inkling that the Lord may be leading you somewhere, follow Him there! You will be infinitely blessed in return.

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