Monday, July 6, 2009


Plinky prompt: What makes someone funny to you? Everyone has a different sense of humor. What makes you laugh?

EVERYTHING! I have a crazy sense of humor...I LOVE America's Funniest Home videos. People getting scared silly makes me laugh so hard that I think that I will pee in my pants. In fact, here is a link to one that makes me laugh so hard that I cry: People Getting Scared

My friends definitely make me laugh. Sheetal, Michelle, Denise, and I can get pretty silly after our small group on Friday nights. The later it gets...the more out of control we get.

Babies laughing. The purity of the laughter, the's just contagious.

More linky goodness of things that make me laugh:

1. LOLCats
2. Stuff Christians Like
3. Amy Beth
4. Bon Qui Qui
5. Anjelah Johnson Nail Salon Sketch
6. John Pinette

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what happened to your last blog???Hmmmmm