Tuesday, July 8, 2008

DeAnna Pappas

Deanna Pappas is CRAZY. And ABC is EVIL for misleading all its viewers.

For those of you who have not watched "The Bachelorette" like I have this season, here is a small update.
DeAnna got rejected by Brad Womack a couple of seasons ago on the Bachelor. He didn't pick anyone that time. I'm glad I didn't watch that season...what a loser. So, since he was a loser, they let her on to find love again as The Bachelorette this season.
Well yesterday, at the Season Finale, DeAnna was down to two men:

Jason Mesnick, Accounting Executive, and single father of a gorgeous 3-year-old boy

Jesse Csincsak, Pro Snowboarder and amazingly awkward person.

To me, the decision was simple. Jason--a single dad already settled in Seattle, Washington with a real job, who was totally in love and ready to be married. Jesse--a 26-year-old adventure-lover who didn't really seem ready to settle down (2 weeks before he proposed, we watched him tell his dad that he wasn't sure that he was ready to settle down and be married).

Not to mention Jeremy, the 3rd place man . When she cut Jeremy instead of Jesse one week ago, I was shocked beyond belief. This is when I began to think that DeAnna might just be an idiot. She proclaimed that Jeremy was "perfect" for her, but sent him home. She cried. She cried when she sent like every guy home. I would have slapped her if I were Jeremy and asked why SHE was crying. Lame.

And then there is the matter of last names. Who on earth would CHOOSE to have the last name Csincsak over Mesnick? Honestly, Deanna. Have fun with telemarketers for the rest of your life. And having to spell your name for EVERYONE. Take it from someone who has had their last name mispronounced and misspelled their entire life...you chose wrong.

Dear Jason, if you read this, I am single and ready to settle down. We can discuss the whole Seattle thing later.


Anonymous said...

Preach it, Sister! I too think she's an idiot. I would have sent Jesse packing after the first episode ... when he showed up in that insane outfit. Maybe those two losers deserve each other.

Carolyn (who works with your sister)

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